Installing Helpie Plugin

  1. You can purchase the Helpie WordPress Knowledgebase Plugin from the CodeCanyon.
  2. After purchasing the plugin, download the zip file from your CodeCanyon downloads page here:
  3. Unzip the downloaded file, and then inside, you’ll find a file named “”. This is the official plugin zip file that can be uploaded/installed.
  4. From your WordPress Admin, click “Plugins” from the main menu, then click the “Add New” button, and then “Upload Plugin”.
  5. Next, click the “browse” button and select the “” file from your computer. Then click “Install Now”.
    Once WordPress has finished installing the plugin, click the “Activate Plugin” link.
  6. You’ll now be redirected to your WordPress plugins page, where you’ll see Helpie listed along with your other plugins, and also a new menu item named “Helpdesk Article” in your WordPress main menu.
Last updated byAnonymous on 30/09/2017
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