Now you can place your article listing anywhere you want using the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles ] (without the spaces) If you want to change the title in the listing, use the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles title=xxxx ] (without the spaces) Note: You can give any title you wish. If you want to sort the articles, you can use the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles sortby=xxxx ] (without the spaces) Remember you can sort in four ways: Recent, Recently updated, Popular and Alphabetical If you want to arrange the articles based on Topics, you can use the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles topics=xxxx ] (without the spaces) Remember you need to give the topic id here to set the topic. To find the Category id, go to Helpdesk -> Helpdesk Category. Move the mouse over the name of the WordPress Category you would like to know the ID of (without clicking) and notice the URL that shows up at the bottom left corner of the browser. You can also use some free Plugins like "Reveal IDs" to find out the Category id. If you want to set the num of columns, use the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles num_of_cols=xxxx ] (without the spaces) Note: You can set the num of columns from 1 to 4 and it works only for card style. You can set the style between card and list. Use the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles style=xxxx ] (without the spaces) You can set the limit of articles to be displayed. Use the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles limit=xxxx ] (without the spaces) If you display the image, use the shortcode: [ helpie_kb_articles show_image=xxxx ] (without the spaces) Note: Use 'True' if you want to display the image. Use 'False' if you don't want to set the image. If you want to show the extra info such as date and author name, use: [ helpie_kb_articles show_extra=xxxx ] (without the spaces) Note: Use 'True' if you want to show extra information. Use 'False' if you don't want to show extra information.